


Information Technology Act, 2000 has done a big deal in giving recognition to online purchases. Reserve Bank of India by issuing various circulars regarding online banking and money transfer activities have made consumers capable of securing the online space. It’s true that as a whole, there are no specific laws that seek to protect consumers in the online space. However, that does not necessarily mean that the consumers are left without any recourse and in this regard we shall examine whether it is possible to use the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 to protect consumer rights in the online environment as well. While looking into the present frame work of Consumer Protection Act, we find enough scope to make use of this law with the same strength as is done purchases in physical presence with a little careful dealing....


It was as back as in the year 1998 when validity of the Consumer Protection Act was challenged before the high court of Karnataka by a big business man when he was ordered to be sent to jail due to non -compliance of the consumer court order. Apex court of the country then came to rescue the consumer courts and held in its landmark judgement in the matter of Vishvabharti co-operative housing societies V/S State of Karnataka in the year 2002 and held Consumer Protection Act a valid legislature .The argument by the petitioner that parliament does not have the power to make such law was rejected holding that parliament can pass any such legislature by which any tribunal, forum or quasi judicial authority can be constituted. The issue was then set right by this judgement; consumer courts got more teeth thereafter. Once again the similar question is raised by one Surinder Mohan Arora challenging the authority of the National commission and the regulation framed under section 30A of the Act....


An interesting thing had happened before the National Commission when original complainant Indian machinery company discloses this fact that this was his second complaint filed before the consumer forum when first complaint was dismissed in default in complaint no 307 of 2007.He stated before the National Commission that the complaint earlier filed before the forum was dismissed on 29.8.2007 because of non –appearance. It was further submitted to consider earlier complaint no 307/2007 as part and parcel of this case for the sake of documents attached and proceed this case from the stage the earlier complaint had been dismissed.....

मध्यस्थता-एक सुलभ विवाद निवारण पद्धती

दिल्ली मे इस समाये सभी जिला अदालतों के साथ मध्यस्थ केडर स्थापित है –तीस हजारी कोर्ट,रोहिणी कोर्ट,द्वारका कोर्ट साकेत कोर्ट तथा पटियाला हाउस । दिल्ली उच न्यायल्ये तथा सर्वोच न्यायल्ये मे तो बड़े पैमाने पर मध्यस्थता से मामले निपटाए जाते है । उपभोक्ता मामलो के निपटान के लिए कुछ मध्यस्थता सस्थान कम केर रहे है जहा बिना अदालत मे गए भी आप अपने मामले का निपटारा केरवा सकते है-...


One Mr. Guru Prasad Shetty who is a restaurant owner was the customer of BEST. He wanted to switch over to Tata power to save on electricity bills. Tata power asked the consumer to get NOC from BEST for allowing Tata Power to give electricity connection. BEST refused to give NOC on the ground that they are a “local authority under the Electricity Act and hence in their area nobody can supply electricity to retail customers...

पेकर तथा मूवर की सेवा मे आपके समान की सुरक्षा का प्रश्न

आम आदमी की आवश्यकताओ से जुड़ी हुई है एक आवश्यकता-–समान को एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर ले जाने वाले टृक, टेम्पो ,पेकर कंपनी या एयर कररियार की सेवाए लेना । यह सेवा घरेलू समान के ट्रांस्पोर्टशन से लेकर किसी बड़ी कंसाइनमेंट को एयर कररियार के माध्यम से विदेश भेजने तक की हो सकती है । ऐसी सेवा को भी उपभोक्ता संरक्षण अधिनियम के अंतेर्गत दाम चुका कर सेवा लेना माना जाता है तथा इस प्रक्रिया मे यदि सेवा प्रदान करने वाली अजेंसी की ओर से कोई कमी रह जाती है तो उपभोक्ता अदालत मे उसकी शिकायत की जा सकती है।...

प्लेसमेंट एजेंसी के वादे ओर आप

इस प्रकार के बहुत से विज्ञापन आपको इंटरनेट पर मिलते है । पैसा जमा करने के बाद आपको उस वेब साइट का कही ता पता नहीं मिलेगा ओर आप अपना पैसा क्रेडिट कार्ड से दे चुके होते है । आम आदमी को समझ नहीं आता कहा शिकायत करे । गूगल ने एक मामले मे अदालत के सामने स्पष्ट किया कि वह एक सर्च इंजन है ओर जो भी कोई अपना विज्ञापन देता है उसकी जिमेदारी उसकी नहीं होती। यह सौदा करने वाले का दायित्व है कि वह पैसा देने से पहले वैबसाइट की पूरी जानकारी ले ले ,उनके व्यापार का जायजा ले ले ,पता जान ले । वर्ष 2000 मे बने इंन्फ़ोर्माशन टेक्नालजी एक्ट के तहत ई -मेल से किए गए संवाद को कानूनी पहचान दी गई है किन्तु वैबसाइट के गायब हो जाने पर पकड़ना कठिन होता है। किन्तु यदि आपके पास पता है तो भ्रामक विज्ञापन देने के लिए आप उपभोक्ता अदालत जा सकते है। इसके लिए विज्ञापन की प्रति या ओर कोई प्रमाण आवश्यक होता है ।...

The Constitution (120th Amendment) Bill, 2013

Consequently, the Bill amends Article 124 (2) (a) of the Constitution, providing for appointment of Judges to the higher judiciary, by the President, after consultation with Judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts in the states....


verview: The economic progress, Industrial growth and the accompanying developments in the international trade and commerce has resulted in a vast expansion of businesses all around. A huge variety of consumer goods and services have started appearing in the markets to cater the ever increasing demand from consumers for not only products, but also services like housing ,banking, FINANCING , Insurance ,Airlines ,Railways ,Education ,Carriage & Couriers , Transport, Electricity, Entertainment, Medical ,HOTELS & Restaurants etc....


DUTY OF A CONSUMER WHILE DEALING ON WITH E COMMERCE 1. TO GET INFORMATIONABOUT THE COMPANY: What kind of business it is and what it sells. Where the company is located, including the country. How the company can be contacted....

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