

Law related to Revision Petition

58 (1) (b) in Consumer Protection Act 2019 “To call for the records and pass appropriate orders in any consumer dispute which is pending before or has been decided by any State Commission where it appears to the National Commission that such State Commission has exercised a jurisdiction not vested in it by law, or has failed to exercise a jurisdiction so vested, or has acted in the exercise of its jurisdiction illegally or with material irregularity” Case Law...

Related law to Class Action & Join action Theory

Law laid down for Joint Complaint: 1. There is an element of sameness of the interest and with common interest; complainants could file a joint complaint....

Difference between RTI &CP Act as long as providing information is concerned

n the above lines case Urban Improvement Trust Ajmer, Rajasthan through its Secretary Versus Tarun Agarwal Before Hon’ble Mr. Justice J. M. Malik, Presiding Member Hon’ble Dr. S. M. Kantikar, Member.The order was pronounced _16th December, 2013 “Cannot be allowed to file an appeal against the order passed under some different act and by different authority. It held complainant not consumer under the circumstances”...

Ten important cases of 2023 -Part-111

Issue -Mandatory BIS Mark Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016, issued notification dated 21.01.2020, making it mandatory for domestic pressure cooker to bear Standard Mark under a licence from Bureau of Indian Standards....

Ten important cases of 2023 Part-11

Whenever any untoward incident happens occurs in the course of working of the railway, the Railway Administration is liable to compensate the passenger irrespective of whether there has been any wrongful act, neglect or default on the part of railway administration....

Ten Significant Legal Cases of 2023-Part 1

Principal laid down for interpretation of law - A distinction between “accidental means” and “accidental result”. (a) a fatal heart attack while dancing would be called “accidental” but would fail to attract insurance cover as not due to “accidental means. (b) Heart attack suffered as a result of over-exertion on being chased by a ferocious dog the death might attract the insurance cover as it was caused by “accidental means”. Case 3...

Challenge to Rule 6(1) of the Rules of 2020: Consumer Protection Act 2019 (The Appointment Procedure of Members/Presidents)

Further, the entire process cannot be invalidate if there is no wrong done in the cases where procedure laid down in the Act by parliament is followed by selection committee. Once law is in the books and it is followed ,it is very much valid ,may be irregularity found in view of natural justice .Remedy for it is to direct the Got to amend it but not invalidate the process which has been followed as per prevailing law...

Historic Judgment by five Judges Constitution Bench: Removing Article 370 from the constitution.

"Army is meant to fight battles with enemies of the State and not really to control the law and order situation within the State. But then, these were peculiar times. The entry of the Army created its own ground realities and in their endeavour to preserve the integrity of the State and the nation against foreign incursions, the men, women and the children of the State paid a heavy price," Justice Kaul said....

Home buyers can have all option to get relief

DLF Homes Panchkula Pvt Ltd v. DS Dhanda and in modification of the direction issued by the Commission, we direct that the interest on the refund shall be payable from the dates of deposit. At the same time, we are of the opinion that the interest of 9 per cent granted by the Commission is fair and just and we find no reason to interfere in the appeal filed by the Consumer for enhancement of interest....

Flipkart not liable as intermediary for any inaction by a vendor/seller


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