

Kuwait Airways found liable for delay in delivery of goods

Liability of the Partners · For the tort committed by a partner of a firm, in the normal course of business of that partnership, other partners are responsible to the same extent as that of the partner who is in fault. The liability thus arising will be joint and several. · General terms of partnership deed make both liable...

SC invalidates selection procedure of Consumer Commissions Members/Presidents


Bombay High court struck down Rue 6(1) of Rule 2020 of Consumer Protection Act 2019 (Consequences of the order)


Medical Practitioner bound to provide treatment information to Patient. But Privacy of patient’s health must be maintained and should not be disclosed to unauthorised persons

Keeping in mind the various judgments pronounced on mediclaim cases by the Apex court, we can surely say that insurance companies as well as doctors need to respond as to why any investigation when issued certificate about the good health of insured .Either their certificate is incorrect or investigation is used as a tool for rejecting the claim. Even otherwise if we see the pattern of investigation ,it is a short cut and eye wash by just managing hospital records by the insurance companies from the doctors and often with no affidavits or any other cogent evidence....

Non-participation in a proceeding of a restitution of conjugal rights has civil consequences

The court noted Order XXI Rule 32 of the Code of Civil Procedure which deals with the execution of decree for specific performance for restitution of conjugal rights, or for an injunction....

New Rules for Birth Certificates

For example, the medical officer in charge of a hospital where a baby is born must report the birth. Moreover, the Aadhaar number of the parents and the informant need to be provided. The rule also applied to in case of case of births in a jail, a hotel or lodge. Herein, the jailor and the hotel manager need to provide all the relevant information....

Arbitrary seizure of media professionals' digital devices OF Media person SC objected

“I'm finding it very difficult to accept some kind of all-within power that the agencies have...This is very dangerous. You must have better guidelines. If you want us to do it, we'll do it. But my view is that you ought to do it yourself....

When Does An Order Become A Binding Precedent? Supreme Court Explains 19 Aug 2023 1:35 PM


Judges go by Constitutional morality

“There is a dividing line between what the legislature can and cannot do. If a judgment points out a deficiency in the law, it is open to the legislature to enact a fresh law to cure the deficiency. What the legislature cannot do is to overrule a judgment. But this is not happening for the first time. This has been happening in the tax arena. Validating acts are perfectly permissible, but directly overruling a judgment is completely impermissible,"...

Medical Practitioner bound to provide treatment information to Patient

Privacy of patient’s health must be maintained and should not be disclosed to unauthorised persons Another aspect of privacy is also not less important Case Title: G. Vijaya Kumari of Vijayawada V/S SBI Life Insurance Company, State Commission of Andhra Pradesh, Decided on August 2018 The question here to deal for us is – Can the insurance companies be barred to conduct investigation and search for case history of the patient in the suspected cases of pre -existing disease...

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