Every human has the right to decide what should be and
what should not be done to his body .It comes under fundamental rights
guaranteed to every Indian citizen as well as under human rights enjoyed by
every one born on the earth. However such rights can be availed or enjoyed only
when one is in such a healthy state to give consent.A system has been evolved
in our hospitals ,nursing homes that in case of any operation which may lead to
any complication at any stage of operation ,a consent form is got signed
from the relatives,kith and kin of the patient in order to avoid any
responsibility on doctors later on.
But with the change of situation and circumstances ,system and
concept of consent is also to undergo chage in order to meet the requirement of
the day when matters are becoming more complicated due to rapid development
in all spheres of life.
!)Through the person
undergoing treatment
!)Through kith and kin if not possible otherwise
Informed consent :
A doctor could also be held legally liable if a patient does
not give “Informed consent” to medical procedure (surgery or tests ) resulting
in harm to the patient even if the procedure performed properly. For example ,
if a particular patient needs surgery and the doctor fails to tells the patient
that there is 50% chance that the patient may be paralysed if the operation is
performed , then the doctor may be liable even the operation was peformed with
full care and competence because the patient might have refused to operation if
he had known the risks involved.
In case of emergency
Proper notes be made and consultation from other professional be
taken –
Removal of some organ when becomes necessary
Special anaesthesia case
Must be given considering all other facts related to
the age of the patient,health conditions etc
It was a death case of a young and talented boy of
sixteen year old ,who died in 1996 due to medical negligence of doctors which
came before the National commission for judication The boy was given spinal anastheisia for performing operation whereas such
anestheisia is not allowed to the person of this age as per the medical
literature avaible on the subject This wrong application resulted into death of
the boy But no negligence could be proved in this case in 1996
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